Maybe you were driving to work listening to our podcast and thinking, what was highlight number 7 again? We’ve got you covered. Here’s our Top 10 Highlights for Wesley’s sermon “The Image of God.” 

Number 10. Being made in the image of God includes the natural image, the political image, and the moral image of God.

Number 9. Moral responsibility is based on humans being made in the image of God.

Number 8. Being made in the image of God means that we originally possessed a perfect will. 

Number 7. Being made in the Image of God means we were made to walk in perfect freedom.

Number 6. Being made in the image of God meant we were capable of operating in perfect happiness.

Number 5. Perfect freedom required a trial for the sake of love.

Number 4. Being made in the image of God means being made in the image of a community of relational love.

Number 3. Sin marred the image of God which created  a loss of freedom to truly and selflessly love.

Number 2. Although sin is a bad thing the concept of sin  is a good thing.

Number 1. Only God’s grace can set us free from the law of sin and death.

Put Good Theology to Good Use.

 John Wesley wrote many of his sermons to educate and empower his circuit riding preachers to preach and teach the gospel faithfully. Although this theology applies to any part of scripture, “The Image of God” really works well for reading through Genesis 1-12 with another person. So who in your world needs the invitation to read through scripture with you? Like the early circuit riders and class meeting leaders, I invite you to put good theology to good use and be disciples who make disciples of Jesus. May God richly bless your faith and your faithfulness to our Lord!